
Coronavirus Pandemic — An Update from Skier & Associates

We at Skier & Associates will continue to have regular office hours (8:30-4:30 Mondays-Thursdays; 8:30-noon Fridays) until further notice.

The Administrative Office of Courts has ordered all in-person court hearings postponed until at least April 16, and the Federal Courts are strictly limiting those allowed admission to the courthouse.

If you are a current client and have a court date coming up, we will be contacting you to update you on your situation. Very few cases have, at this point, been rescheduled.

We have taken internal measures to ensure that we can continue to do business for our clients while minimizing risk of spreading this virus:

  1. All business that can be handled by telephone will be handled that way until further notice.
  2. All in-person client meetings will take place in our conference room, which is thoroughly sanitized before and after each meeting.
  3. If it is necessary to proceed to court, precautions will be taken in accordance with courthouse policy.

No one knows at this point how long these measures will be necessary or what is likely to happen. We encourage everyone to take basic precautions against spread of this pandemic. This includes frequent hand-washing, social distancing, avoiding gatherings of people and ensuring that you get sufficient sleep and exercise. We want to continue to serve you through 2020 and beyond.

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