Skier & Associates is proud to announce that founder Andrew M. Skier has been selected to attend the National Federal Defenders’ Trial Skills Academy in San Diego, California. This prestigious week-long program brings federal practitioners from around the country to work together on all aspects of preparing and trying criminal…
Alabama Pardon and Expungements Blog
Andrew Skier Quoted in Wall Street Journal Article About Identity Theft
I was recently contacted by a reporter from the Wall Street Journal who was working on a story about inmates in state prisons having their identities stolen while they are incarcerated. I was quoted in his article and there is a brief discussion of United States v. Bryant Thompson, a…
New York Times: Justices May Review Capital Cases in Which Judges Overrode Juries
A recent article in the New York Times suggests that the US Supreme Court may soon review state laws that allow judges (who are mostly elected in partisan elections) to override juries recommendations and sentence capital murder defendants to the death penalty. I personally welcome this, as I have felt…
Need to hire a criminal defense lawyer? Here are ten tips on how to make your decision
If you find yourself in need of a criminal defense lawyer, your first inclination might be to hire a lawyer that makes you feel the best and who makes promises or assurances of a particular result or outcome. THIS IS THE WRONG WAY TO GO ABOUT SELECTING A LAWYER. In…
Amendment 782 to the United States Sentencing Guidelines (Reduced Sentences for many Federal Drug Offenses) What it May Mean for You
Congress has approved an amendment to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines that drastically decreases the punishment for those convicted of many drug offenses. Importantly, Congress made these changes retroactive, meaning that most people presently serving a federal sentence who qualify can petition the Court to have their sentence reduced to the…
The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles — Getting a Hearing (Part 2)
So you understand the Pardon and Parole Board’s authority to grant parole or pardons. How do we get them to consider your case? The answer depends on whether you (or a loved one) is seeking a pardon or parole. In the case of parole, an incarcerated person will automatically have…
The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles — The Basics (Part 1)
Appearing before the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles (“The Parole Board”) can be a dizzying, intimidating experience for those unfamiliar with the Board’s procedures. This is the first of a series of posts designed to remove some of the mystery from the process. What is the Parole Board and…
Domestic Violence, the NFL, and Alabama Law
News and sports television, radio, and other media have been buzzing in recent days about what seems like an epidemic of domestic violence that is suddenly coming to the public’s attention. This is largely due to several high-profile professional athletes being accused of abuse of their spouses or children. We…
“You have the right to remain silent” — USE IT!
I often tell friends and potential clients that the only “free” legal advice I ever give out is that if you are ever arrested or questioned by law enforcement, keep your mouth shut. Nothing good can come from making a statement. If you are already under arrest, you aren’t going… featured on WSFA’s Central Alabama Business Break
I had the pleasure this morning of appearing on WSFA TV’s Central Alabama Business Break to discuss Alabama’s new expungement law and Click the link to see the video: